Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 2010 Road Trip - Day 1


Background for the road trip:
My Grandmother's Japanese friend/relative (from Japan, duh...) and her nephew made arrangements to fly out to California to stay with my Gma. Now only staying a week, the Auntie wanted to see Yosemite & Santa Cruz. So my Gma's brilliant idea was to drive up to Yosemite, cut across to Santa Cruz, and head back home. Now that sounds okay to do... but that's a LOT of driving for my 83-year-old grandma. So my dearest Mother called me up 2 days before they plan to leave, and forces me to take control of the situation and drive them the whole road trip.
Now I would be cool with this, only it was the WORST timing ever! My boss was taking some personal time with his family and we have a newbie in training... but with my Mom being out of commission (leg surgery) she couldn't drive them herself. So I made the road trip plans, hotel reservations, and became the travel agent with plenty of brochures of sites to see and event happening this coming week.

Day One: Sunday August 1, 2010

Drive from Los Angeles to Oakhurst: 4 hours & 45 minutes

Well, thank gawd for iPod headphones... and diet coke. The two Japanese passengers passed out just out of Los Angeles. Grandma (pissed that we all thought she wasn't "fit" to do the drive) stayed up and just "sat there, bored"... oh well. I was proud that my car was able to make the whole 275 mile drive in one tank of gas!

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