Thursday, April 4, 2013

#72 DZPII: Bake & decorate a two tiered cake

#72 DZP II: Bake & Decorate a Two-Tiered Cake!
So for the advance cake decorating class Mom and I are taking, the second class is on two-tiered cakes. The class before was on color flow technique (see puppy above), so we were asked to apply the color flow technique to a two-tiered cake. So I went on google pictures and found this cutie and created a Puppy-Dawg Cake!
Complete with fondant dog house and bowl. Around the rest of the cake is dog bones, paw prints, dog bowl, and another puppy hiding in the grass.
It's a 6 inch cake stacked on a 10 inch cake. We learned how to stack and use/cut dowels for construction.

#76 DZPII: Buy a new refridgerator

That's right! We finally bought one!
I was seriously in need of a fridge space, especially with my baking two-tiered cakes (post to come!!) and all, but just the extra room for drinks is so nice!
We got this beauty from a Sears Outlet center, and I'm happy to say, I'm ok with the two tiny scratches it has... I covered them with pictures and magnets anyways!
And yes, that's my In & Out drink in there!